Woman I AM

Woman I am

Let us share together, both women and men, this symbol:
Woman I Am! a symbol representing freedom of expression and so, the freedom to be.
A thought for all those women who did not have the chance to express themselves;
for all those who still cannot do so,
and for all the women who have been ambassadors of change on behalf of the female condition and for all humanity.


Simply writing these words, makes my heart vibrate… I call on all of us, to show ourselves in our feminine  identity: STAND-UP WOMAN! The feminine is an energy which envelops and nourishes with love, and which is a bearer of all creation.

Thank you to all of you for sharing this message of peace and love… We are bearers of humanity… So let’s be proud of our femininity and now let us radiate it in all our magnificence as WOMEN!


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